Oil painting by Vicente Romero Redondo
(c) Vicente Romero

Going back

to boredom, routine,

your absence.

To life.

Away from the escape

I thought life was.

Going back

to the same place

the same people

and air.

To the space

you fill no part of.

Going back

to mundane regularity

hoping for something to happen

except for a calamity

of nature


of love.


23 thoughts on “Going back

      1. Don’t do that to your power! You had the power and creativity to create an experience for the reader! Not all my writing is based on experoence, many are creations of my dreams my longibgs, my desires, imaginary loved. That’s what writing is! Real and imagined dear poet. It was wonderfully created. You are an artist, words are your paint. Now keep creating from your life, your mind, your soul, your dreams, desires, fantasies, etc


          1. Well that is lovely of you to say. And you are quite lovely and would certainly worthy of further discovery. I am afraid, however, our age difference is significant?


  1. You are exceptional. Loved your poem. It will be good for my tomorrow. For that occasionally feeling of waiting for something else, something the will never happens .


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